Mailing List

At the 2024 workshop in Bielefeld, we decided to set up a mailing list () for computational social science with a focus on news from the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). Researchers interested in computational social science are welcome to subscribe and share news that might be of interest to their colleagues (events, call for papers, job positions, etc.). Emails should be written in English or include an English translation.

Subscription management

The domain of the list server is part of the German Research Network (DFN; Deutsches Forschungsnetz).

To subscribe (“Abonnieren”), please enter your e-mail address (“Ihre E-Mail-Adresse”) and name (“Name”) at:

To unsubscribe (“Abbestellen”), please enter your e-mail address (“Ihre E-Mail-Adresse”) at:

Sending Emails


Only subscribers can post to the mailing list.

To distribute an email via the mailing list, send your email to:

After your mail has been reviewed as being related to CSS research, it will be sent to the subscribers of the mailing list.